Parent's Corner > Therapy > Type of Treatment

Autism Therapy Type

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How does a parent or caregiver select the appropriate therapy for a child or young adult with ASD? We have organized therapies based on type of treatments:


1. Behavioral interventions (such as early behavioral interventions and cognitive behavior therapy)


2. Devices and procedures


3. Pharmaceuticals (medical drug-based and off-label treatments)


4. Life adjustments (such as dietary supplements, school selection, and animal therapy)




It’s important to consider that not all therapies are equal. While some treatment options have been tested in well-designed studies (evidence-based), others are only now emerging. Some of these are well established (evidence-based) while others are promising or emerging therapeutics requiring further assessment of its clinical utility.

MindSpec's Evidence Categories

Key Points

Behavioral therapy is a treatment approach that relies on the monitoring of observable progress in response to systematic behavioral instructions

Technology-based device and procedural therapies for autism vary widely. Many of these therapies are still emerging, with few studies to prove their effectiveness.

The FDA has approved two antipsychotic medications for irritability in children with ASD, aripiprazole and risperidone.



If a child doesn’t receive a diagnosis early, therapy will no longer work.


Individuals of any age, from infant to adult, can benefit from many therapy options.

Read about other misconceptions.